Tuesday, March 22, 2016

HOLI colors of life!

Holi is around the corner, March 24th this year!  
When we say life is colorful, we describe our emotions, our happiness. When we are down with sadness we often describes our lives as black and white! But, aren't white and black colors too! Our country is one full of spiritual consciousness where every action has a meaning, same way, celebration of Holi too has its own significance. They say, Holi is celebrated as an expression of faith and belief that each day will be as colorful as the nature around! Wishing everybody a very happy Holi filled with all vibrant health, happiness and beautiful memories! 

Green stands for nature, a new beginning and happiness. Today the farmers who produce the GREEN  for us, are quitting their lives just because of one simple reason that we people don’t even care about, water shortage! So lets celebrate this Holi without water, with the powdered colors and pay a little respect to those who have given up their lives in the form of suicides, for those who do not get to drink a single drop of clean water any day, for those who are giving up their lives for not being able to produce those GREENS, greens that are meant to be in our dishes in all our meals! 

The color yellow, stands for its healing power. In India, it is symbolic for holiness. Why not this Holi be spend trying to heal the people who are going through some stress, need support, need a ray of hope in darker times! Not much, lets start with our own inner selves, our siblings, our friends, neighbors, our maids or whomsoever we know, who's not having a great time this festival! 

Blue stand for power and life and so when we already know water is colorless, we still associate it with the color blue. The universal roof that we all have above us, is also blue in color, the horizon. This Holi, let us give the present of life to those in need (water) by not wasting gallons of water playing Holi! We cannot give the farmers the water they need, but at-least do our parts by not wasting it this Holi.

Celebrations can be done in many other ways, playing with water is no compulsory or the only option we have. Let us try to keep those people in our prayers who are struggling every single minute for each drop of water to grow greens, that we need to fill our bellies! Each helping hand matters. If not others, let us try to fill colors in our own lives by keeping a positive mind, a smiling face, those who suffer, keeping them in our prayers. Life is beautiful, each color, no matter even if it is white or black too have their own significance. Appreciation is the key to a colorful life! May this festival be spent in bliss.


Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Happy Women's Day

Today the world is celebrating International Women's Day. An icon of selfless love, dedication, unbeatable guts, care, heroic,when it comes to her family and the people she loves. When we think of heroes we have infinite number of male icons to count upon, but at the very same moment we cannot forget our women heroes all around the globe from Elizabeth Blackwell to Neerja Bhanot, from our mothers, sisters, and girl friends to all those brave enough acid attack survivors and rape victims who still manage to survive, with heads help up high, with strong will power to face this world even after constantly being attacked by the society and being blamed for the mistake they didn’t even do! 
Don't forget to make all those women feel special, at least today, who have been an important part of your lives! I just did! And thanks to all those who managed to make me feel special! 

A salute,
To all the women, who are struggling to realize their dreams,
To the women who cede their dreams for their family,
To the women who will love unreservedly, without expecting anything in return.
To all those women, who are never appreciated for stepping out of their houses and moving to their husbands, for being strong enough to leave their parents, to look after their husband's parents. A big salute.
To all those mothers who are masters in multi-tasking, from looking after in-laws to all other relatives, from her spouse to her children, looking after everybodys' demands.
To all those sisters, who always have their brothers in her prayers.
To all those wives, who compromise their lives for the happiness of their husbands.
To all those mothers who would do anything to see her child happy, prosper, and healthy.
To all those women who manage to contribute in family's income and also does all the household chores.
To all those rape victims and acid attack survivors who really are the real heroes and not victims.
To those who survive such incidents, have enough guts to start a fresh and fight all the taboos!
To the teachers who manage to shape your life one way or the other.
To all those women who are multi-talented, who manage to help their kids in homework and help their husbands in making decisions.
To all those ladies who manage to win the world with the beautiful hearts they carry.
To all those daughters who really deep in their hearts have a dream of making her parents proud!
To all those women, who fight against the odds to raise up to what they are meant to be.
Women, who manage to work hard even in those days when she's down with periods, with unbearable pain and suffering.
To all those grandmothers who are always there to pamper you with all she has, her stories, her toffees!
To those women, who home us inside them for 9 long months, bearing all the extremities and pain but still making sure that you're okay!

A symbol of infinite, unbelievable power, gods best creation on earth, without whom no creation is possible. All that a women aspires for is a little care and respect, that’s what is love for her, and she would repay you back hundred folds and in ways you would never expect!

 We are strong, We are invincible, We are women!

Hand in hand, we are all here to grow..

I have picked up my pen again today- since the mind is beyond full already, Well- lets start this straight and honest- I am really anxious t...