Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Old Soul Love.

My grandparents have an old soul love,
It is-
Hand in hand, your hand in mine-
until the end of the time.
I've seen them care,
I've seen them scold,
A love story I wanna live if truth be told!
Not forgetting each other's medicines even though memory is all weak,
Enter their room, & two amazing humans with smile will greet!
Body ain't anymore as strong as it was,
Will power crosses 100, age bar is no cause!
Helping one- another with the all day routine,
Followed by their favorite movie matinee.
Having each others back through all thick and thin,
At the end of the day having each other on to lean.
Evenings are filled with recalling the old stories,
A lot many emotions and life theories.

Quitting is no option, work through it all,
Be it work, health, family, relationships,
Hold on-
Neither too tight, nor to loose & things in place will fall.
How focusing on the positive is nothing but a choice,
How shifting a little focus can fill your life with rejoice!

I aim for such love,
I belong to an army of hopeless romantics,
Hold my hand,
Read me a poem,
Share a cup of tea with me,
If nothing, just let there silence be.
Walk with me through the country roads,
Trust me you won't get bored.
Lets make a playlist of our favorite songs,
We'll play it on days we are on drives long!
Look me in the eyes & that would be enough,
To get me going through situations tough!
A little filmy let the life be, let the life be!
In a world full of mobile screens,chatting and a sky full of smog,
Give me this, Give me this, Give me this!

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Why So Perfect??

OK, it's 2.22am and my mind has embarked on its journey of late night thoughts. All my life, I've noted people yearn for perfection. An ideal relationship, a perfect nine-to-five, a perfect wedding, a perfect song, an ideal partner, a perfect house, a perfect dress and yet I see no one admitting that they finally have that 'perfect' thing/person in life. Well, the definition of perfection sure does differ for each one of us, but you know what, your perfect someone or something will also have at least one such thing that's not perfect and it won't bother you because with time you realize that your 'real perfect' doesn't really need to be your ' visual perfect'. Like everybody else, I also had visuals in my mind of  what 'perfection' looks like. Times changed, definitions of perfection changed.

A beautiful young lady,
A professional degree by 21, 
Those perfect curves by 22,  
An overflowing bank account  by 24, 
Settling down with someone by 25
Wow, this would be so perfect

Still behind that first degree at 22, 
Still figuring out things that actually fascinates me,
Still trying to find ways to balancing my emotions,
Those perfect curves? Well I've postponed working on them for a few years too!
But, I never forget to count on my blessings before opening my eyes every morning.
Trust me, life is still perfect.

A Prince who treats you like princess, 
Pampers you like a kid, 
Finds his way to you through that lost Cinderella shoe,
Talks to you just about love, fairy-tales and happily ever afters,
This would be so perfect!

A Man who respects you for who you are,
Who need not treat you like a princess but knows how to keep her lady!
Who talks to you about reality and still keeps your faith alive in fairy tales and happily ever after,
Who scolds you for your mistakes but also, understands you like no one else.
Who makes you laugh until your tummy hurts, 
& no matter what chooses to love you every single day.
Fights with you, cries for you, makes you cry too.
This is my new 'perfect'.

Four friends on a road trip,
Camping near a river,
Hiking up the mountains,
Unlimited photographs, 
Endless drinks, 
Super chic outfits, 
No restrictions- being a girl.
This would have been so perfect!

Four best friends on a rooftop, 
Coffee mugs to keep you awake, 
Endless gossips and endless laughter, 
A game of sequence and may be ludo too.
Shivering out of cold & snatching from one another the only sheet you have, 
You know what- this is perfect too!

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Do you remember?

Do you remember?

The last time you got butterflies in your tummy,
You were happy but just couldn't share it with your mommy!

The last time, someone made you laugh till you die,
& there were no second thoughts in calling him "mine"!

The last time you hoped, every message was-him, 
Even though you knew it was the time for his gym! 

The last time you sang a tune all along, 
& your heart gave beats to beautify that song! 

Do you remember - 

The last time- when promises made to you felt so real, 
All fears apart, all that mattered was that one feel! 

The last time- when taking risks were all worth it, 
Mornings were beautiful and evenings were lit. 

The last time- you wanted to dress up, show up and wear that little make-up, 
& sit down to talk with nothing fancy but a large coffee mug! 

The last time- When everything made proper sense, 
& on the melody of life you joyfully danced! 

Do you remember? 

Monday, January 8, 2018

A little Self Talk!

Dear Self,

First, a very happy new year to you. Year wise, you're entering 22nd year of your life. Wow, 21 years already went by, too quick, isn't it?  I know, while reading this you're thinking what an amazing journey it has been with experiences you never thought you would go through. You are thinking about the mistakes you've made, the nights you didn’t sleep and you thought you won't be able to make it. Look, where you are today! You have crawled out of every damn thing life put you through whether good or bad, and knowing how positive you've been throughout, I'm so proud of you!

I know, you've big dreams that you desperately want come true. I know, you're afraid that things might not work out. I know You! But, what you do not know is, you're a strong soul, a human full of emotions but yet so strong that each time a situation comes at you, you blow it away in the best possible way. Have faith, 2018 is your year. Not all dreams might come to life, but know, that everything that happens will always be good for you and your well-being.

I know, you're an old school soul who doesn't like partying hard like kids these days do. You do not fit into places and among people who are loud. I also know that you take your own time opening up to people and aren't necessarily introvert- but shy & quiet. But, that's totally okay. It is more than okay to love spending time alone, its totally okay to have your friends come over for coffee, lunch and dinner and not booze/smoke. Its so much fine to want a long walk or a long drive rather than sitting in a fancy club or a pub.It's totally alright to want to listen than to talk. Trust me, it's totally okay!

I know, you worry too much. You are lost in deep thoughts about the past, the present as well as future. But, let me tell you- Everybody will tell you that  thinking a lot causes stress and discomfort  but this is not the entire thing. Thinking makes you what you are, thinking helps your analyse situations, making good and informed decisions and most importantly, thinking- makes you an aware human. I shall tell you just one thing- Think good, happy and positive thoughts because that's where the secret to this life lies.

I know, how needy you can be at times. I know also that you're insecure and want to keep your circle close. I know how you need someone at times to let yourself out of the cage that you've made for yourself. But listen, who isn't needy?  It's just that people don't always express & accept their weaker sides. Coming to being insecure- well you've this amazing set of best friends & family, who wouldn't be insecure?  But know, like you love them so much ,they love you too and those who love you will always be around and stick to you.

I know, how people around you call you atheist but what they do not know is you not always go to temples but each night before sleeping you make a Thank you note to God. I know, how much faith you carry inside of you. I know you inside out. Do not be disheartened by what people tell you, because like every human who walks this earth, you're here too to make mistakes, to learn, to experience, to achieve, to inspire, to get inspired, to fall off, to stand again, to be brave, to be independent yet be dependent. After all, you're a human.

Let go of the previous years, take a heart full of memories & lessons with you forward, lets finish the unfinished business, lets together look forward to all the amazing days 2018 is about to give you. Let's face the truth, let's once again fall, and get back up. What ever life throws at you- let's look forward to face it with a smile  because that's what life is all about. You're strong and YOU CAN DO IT and one fine day, you're going to be so proud of yourself.

Subconcious self.

Hand in hand, we are all here to grow..

I have picked up my pen again today- since the mind is beyond full already, Well- lets start this straight and honest- I am really anxious t...