Friday, July 19, 2019


Dear Monica, when you said,"Welcome to the real world, it sucks. You're gonna love it,"
As much as you were trying to comfort Rachel,
Also you wanted to give her a reality check and keep it neat! 
I could feel you,
Twenty years ago you said something that each one of us agree today,
But most of us keep ourselves sane watching you at-least one episode a day!
Every time you  screamed,' I KNOW!'
We knew you have all the answers needed,
Your OCD kept everyone in check,
Be it Chandler, Phoebe, Rachel or your dad Jack!
How with equal energy you were always ready to be the host,
So here we are, raising you and your cooking skills- a toast!

Dear Joey, ''How you doin'?"
This phrase got every guy out there try it at-least once,
But trust me , no one can ever do it better than you,
Even though it's been 20 years, we're still in love with you,
So not ready anytime soon to bid adieu.
Every-time you screamed at the top of your voice,'' Joey doesn’t share food!"
Your priorities  were evident and super clear,
From being a star in Days of Our Lives to  a falling graph of your career,
You lived in today, did what you love and of the future, had no fear!

Dear Phoebe, remember how you had your own way of running in the park?
No one approved of your ways but you stood by your own self, never afraid of the dark!
When you said,'' I don’t even have a pla.."
Half of the mankind felt you right there,
But even such a big question could not upset you dare!
When Joey said that SANTA doesn’t exist,
it came as a shocker to 27 year old you.
From singing  on a subway station-
''Your love is like a pigeon, crapping on my heart,
To marrying the love of your life Mike on a street with snow-carts!
You made Christmas songs on your friends a few,
But forever will my favorite be-
Smelly Cat, Smellyy Cat, What are they feeding you!

Dear Ross, keeping aside your dinosaur obsession,
you were the most normal one among all six,
It was kind of heartbreaking to see all your 3 marriages fail  without fix!
Your dedication towards each of your relationship,
Your dedication towards your profession & both your-babies,
You were totally worth the keeps!
Even after several margaritas down you were "just fine"
You were whiny but no! not more than Janice did you ever whine!
 "Why do bad things happen to good people?" you said, we did feel for you,
But when you finally got Rachel,
that was every F.R.I.E.N.D.S fan's  dream come true!

Dear Rachel,you were like every other girl in her twenties,
Because not everything is as clear as roses and waterlilies!
When you first realized that you didn’t wanna be a 'shoe' but a 'hat',
Stepping out in the world for the first time is  scary -
but how brave are you to take that step, just like that!
When you acclaimed, "no uterus, no opinion"
You spoke for entire womankind,
You started from scratch & reached the top in line!
You know what made us the happiest?
It was when we heard, "I got off the plane."
Because Ross and Rachel, Rachel and Ross,
Is a  dream, picture perfect and insane!

Dear Chandler, could you BE more pun-ny & amazing?
You once said, "So it seems like this internet thing is here to stay?"
Well guess what, the entire world is taken over by it, night & day!
"Hi, I am Chandler, I make jokes when I'am uncomfortable",
After getting together with Monica your best version got enabled.
For all those times when Joey and you were not able to decide on things
You resorted to Rock Paper, Scissors,
Whether its asking someone to leave,
a game of Foosball or going out in the snow blizzard.
You never failed to put humor in every situation,
Be it office, Monica's apartment, Central Perk or a duck-chick conversation.
You said that you say more dumb things before 9am than most people say all day,
And each one of them made us laugh our asses off for sure everyday!

I'LL.BE.THERE.FOR.YOU , they sang everyday,
Whether for friendship or love, they did- with each other -stay!

Thursday, June 13, 2019

We are, because they are.

To the one in Olive Green-

How brave are you to sign up for this?
Your warrior heart is worthy of all the salute.
The risks you take every other day,
Little do people know of your life,
but your precious ones unceasingly pray.

I sit here shuffling the news like all others,
A little anxious to even accept what's happening,
While you're at the frontiers
Donning that uniform with other brothers.

I try to be brave and not think otherwise,
I'm no warrior like you inside,
But eternally by your side with love and pride!
I can't wrap my arms around you everyday,
But all the wait is worth, like they say!
I sit here by the phone,
Waiting until you're safely home!

While I'm all cranky & fussing-
Over problems too small as compared to yours,
You choose to listen & give me all your attention,
Swimmingly skipping your own without any conditions.

You just won't understand-
Unless you're a soldier or you've been with one,
The odd living conditions while on duty,
and the deeds they've done!
They witness the parts of the countryside &
The way they witness sunset and sunrise,
None of us civilians would ever get to.
When asked,
How are you? Are you sleeping fine? Is the weather too hot?
''All is good, I'm fine.'' are their happy lies & gives us no clue!

If not more, there's one thing I really want to do,
While you take care of those who serve the land,
I will take care of you! 🇮🇳 

Wednesday, March 20, 2019


I am not perfect and I don’t claim to be.
I have insecurities,
& there are days-
When I don’t think I'm good enough.
Good enough, in the era of Instagram models out numbering the actual models,
In an era where our social media feeds and YouTube
Are filled with 3 step makeover tutorials with-
3 layers of foundation,
Fake eye lashes,
Two shades of contour & concealer.

In the era where "maal"is more commonly addressed to females than drugs.
Where, acceptance on social media by the opposite gender-
brings more happiness & excitement.
But, when will we understand-
all of this comes from 'boys' half grown
Because it takes a 'man'- to understand what's real & what stays.
Not your fault dear boys,
The world's designed that way,
Make up and filters, gym and diets here rule.
But like I said- It takes a man to understand & accept.

An era-
Where majority is racing to cover up their scars,
Take a minute-  stop and think-
Aren't your scars a sign of the battles you've fought & won?
Aren't your scars a sign of how strong you are?
Dear girls,
IT IS OKAY to own your scars,
Layering  them in makeup ain't gonna find you love.
And so,
Please wait. Wait for such love that-
crowns you with the kind of love you never feel the weight of.
Wait, for someone who talks to your heart &
Understands that faces can wear masks.
Work on self, for your self.
Do not 'mend' your self to please the wants of another.
Because when love arrives, it embraces you for who you are,
And stays, forever.

This Holi let us pray that-
Acceptance of the world isn't so important,
No one is afraid to be real & authentic,
Loyalty & Transparency aren't this hard to find.
Our intentions are more pure,
Communication is more honest and polite,
Lies lie at rest,
Respect is not just a word,
Let us try to take care of the little things within us &
The world will take care of itself.

Saturday, February 23, 2019


I'm standing on the roof,
Admiring the color formations in the horizon,
I'm dreaming of an escape,
To the world I've unceasingly mused about.

An escape to find peace,
An escape where my heart is happy,
There's something different in the air at this moment,
It tells me I can do it, 
It tells me I can get through.

I know I've commitments to meet,
I know I cannot leave them behind,
Perhaps just a babyish hope of a better tomorrow is enough for today,
& writing this poem is my escape for the day!

I have an idea,
I know there's no foundation,
A world with a different format-
Where one could go,
To be free from human woe.

A world where there's no shade of fear,
& waking up every AM doesn’t feel so cloudy,
Good art is focused chaos they say,
If only what I paint could be real & stay!

The world is trying to convince me,
That this is the reality of life,
I refuse to give the nod.
My dreamy escape would be a reality one day,
Where I'll have peace of mind,
& happiness will know no words
but just feelings-
it will be one of it's kind!

Thursday, February 7, 2019

How is the weather inside you today?

Its past midnight now,
With a window open wide,
The moonlight peeping in,
Just enough to make me see
The beauty of the night.

I'm tucked in bed,
Its cold outside,
I'm all covered
But the mind decides to wander.

Every time I blink my eyes,
memories are flashing wide.
How did the day go by,
How did the years fly.
All the falls I've been through,
& all the break through too.

I wonder how me & the people I know,
Are both, young & depressed.
In the years where we'd be feeling super alive,
In some corner,
are dreading our own existence.

And then coming out of it,
I shift my focus to the good.
Comparing myself with the old me,
looking at the woman I've grown into,
Happy-will the old me be?

I pause my thoughts,
& remind myself to be grateful
For all that I've.
Yes, dreams & goals are still on paper,
But time & hope are the shaper!

Half way through & half away,
But will definitely be-
where I wanna be, some day!
A little detour is never too bad,
as long as you find your way back!

I blink again,
This time- coming back to where I am
at the very moment.
Pushing all that's bothering me,
in the background
I look at the moon
and declare-
Today's going to be my day!

And I close my eyes,
think about family
& the love of my life
sleep finally knocks my door,
& right through it, to another world, I dive!

Sunday, January 6, 2019

The Child in me is Alive!

I treasure a home in  your familiar warm hug,
Like a kid who races to a familiar face in a crowded quarter.

Your aroma makes me feel secured.
Like a little baby can smell his mommy & sleeps in peace.

I trust my hand into yours,
Like a baby when learning to walk.

I look up-to you when I fall,
Like a baby waiting for a familiar figure to pick him up.

I find comfort in your soft voice.
Like a kid forgets all his anger, discomfort, pain when talked to, with love.

I tell you my darkest secrets,
Like a kid who comes home quiet after a fight but ends up telling everything to their mom.

A small gesture by you makes me so happy,
Like a kid who cannot control his happiness over a lollipop.

I feel relieved shedding my tears in front of you,
Like a kid, who cries everything out & are back to normal the very next moment.

 My eyes starts to twinkle on seeing you around,
Like a baby, when given his favorite precious to spend time with.

I look up-to you for motivation, cheering me up  and support,
Like a kid waiting for their parents to wave and cheer them up at their sports day.

I wait for you, endlessly-
Like a kid waits for his birthday & for Santa, every year.

The child in me is still alive,
& the child in you is still alive too,
Lets not hold it back,
Let us, let it thrive!

Hand in hand, we are all here to grow..

I have picked up my pen again today- since the mind is beyond full already, Well- lets start this straight and honest- I am really anxious t...