Sunday, January 6, 2019

The Child in me is Alive!

I treasure a home in  your familiar warm hug,
Like a kid who races to a familiar face in a crowded quarter.

Your aroma makes me feel secured.
Like a little baby can smell his mommy & sleeps in peace.

I trust my hand into yours,
Like a baby when learning to walk.

I look up-to you when I fall,
Like a baby waiting for a familiar figure to pick him up.

I find comfort in your soft voice.
Like a kid forgets all his anger, discomfort, pain when talked to, with love.

I tell you my darkest secrets,
Like a kid who comes home quiet after a fight but ends up telling everything to their mom.

A small gesture by you makes me so happy,
Like a kid who cannot control his happiness over a lollipop.

I feel relieved shedding my tears in front of you,
Like a kid, who cries everything out & are back to normal the very next moment.

 My eyes starts to twinkle on seeing you around,
Like a baby, when given his favorite precious to spend time with.

I look up-to you for motivation, cheering me up  and support,
Like a kid waiting for their parents to wave and cheer them up at their sports day.

I wait for you, endlessly-
Like a kid waits for his birthday & for Santa, every year.

The child in me is still alive,
& the child in you is still alive too,
Lets not hold it back,
Let us, let it thrive!

Hand in hand, we are all here to grow..

I have picked up my pen again today- since the mind is beyond full already, Well- lets start this straight and honest- I am really anxious t...