Friday, May 13, 2016

Armed Forces: Our Life-Lines

Saw a documentary today that showed what lives of soldiers is like on the Siachen glacier. I have always been hearing of the army at the Siachen glacier. The temperature, the extreme living conditions, the atmosphere, the snow, but never did I feel what I actually felt today after watching the documentary. Sitting far away from the borders inside our small houses, sleeping peacefully, enjoy, partying and foremost getting time to spend with our loved ones, never can we actually feel how people far away at the borders, out in the oceans, up in the air in the air-force planes, on those uneven cross country borders or on the -50 degree Celsius  Siachen glacier live like.

 Endangering our own lives for others, for those whom we don’t even know is the most selfless deed that not everybody can do. In a world where today, everybody works for their own benefit, their own purpose, people don’t even have enough time for their own families, finding people who take care of families of whole country, who probably doesn't even know any one of them is always worth thanking for.

Army troops that go to Siachen spend 3 months on the glacier with no hot food served, no contact with families, seeing nothing else but snow all around and a few others of their troop members. When they go up there they're fit and fine, but when they return, their health deteriorates, weight loss, skin color darkens, bodies are tired, these are the people who affect their selves for people like us, but do we even bother? Do we even take a single minute to thank them, to let them know what they mean to us, to this country, to this land!

When a child dies falling into a bore-well, the central government, the state government declare help money for them in lacs, but does that happen when a soldier dies? Their families are left vulnerable. We win a cricket match, match fees given are in lacs and crores, and what about those who won our country, who let us all sleep peacefully every-night? About them, who don’t think about their own parents but also for every parents that our country has, not about their own brothers or sisters but for every boy and the girl that resides here!

I bet, thousands of us have the same questions, same solutions, but we have failed to make a change. We are busy fighting for women to get permission to enter the mosques, fighting over the degrees of our VIPs, and all such less important issues. We often keep our thoughts, our questions and our answers to ourselves thinking sharing it would mean making fun of ourselves or thinking as if one person will not be able to make any change. But, if we all stand together for our own people in the army wouldn’t it lead to a change, may be not too big, but at least a little bit, because something is always better than nothing!

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Hand in hand, we are all here to grow..

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