Friday, March 17, 2017

The World That Begins In Sleep

The little kid dreamed-
Ninjas fighting over their toys,
Girls, of their barbies
And of Pokemon, dreamed the boys.

The rich dreamed-
A family of four,
His kids by his  side,
A wife to spend for,
Who he will adore.

The poor dreamed-
A happy meal two times a day,
His kids going to school,
His aged parents getting treatment done,
His wife not starving and no more in the sun burn!

The lover dreamed-
Someone who would hear it all,
one on whom all his love could fall too,
A relationship with no lies and only true love,
Someone who would say forever and mean it too.

The aged dreamed-
Growing back young,
Finishing all the unfinished,
Time when the happy troops sung,
Lying on the rooftop relaxed and sun-kissed.

Well that’s when the clock stuck 6 in the morning,
When the elders got up straight,
and the kids were still yawning,
Coming back to reality,
lets get back to chasing our callings!


Hand in hand, we are all here to grow..

I have picked up my pen again today- since the mind is beyond full already, Well- lets start this straight and honest- I am really anxious t...