Saturday, February 13, 2016

F . A . M . I . L . Y

For the good times and bad. Always there. Mine. Inspirational. Links to the past. Yours' forever.
Happy Reading!

Family doesn’t always have to mean the blood relations we are connected together with. For me it subsists of all those who have been a part of me, my life, my blues, my bliss, my ups, my downs, my good, my bad. The connections that our blood chooses, stay with us now and forever and are incomparable, but eternal are those relationships too that are picked by our hearts in our itinerary of life. Our grandparents, parents, siblings, cousins help us shape our lives all our childhood, then comes a time we step out of the nest, into this vast world, and that’s the beginning, where we start adding more people to our family. From starting with plenty in number, bit by bit, gradually we are left with a few, the cream ones, the best ones.

Family is something we can always count on. People who are yours, to whom you don’t need to prove yourself again and again. People with whom you can be transparent with, without even thinking for a second what image they'll frame of yours! Family is, those who won't judge us for our past, wont judge us for our choices, but stays by our side, in good and in bad, guides us, are there to lend us a hand no matter how many times we fall, how many ever mistakes we make. 

Trust, loyalty, love, care aren't something that need to be proved, but they need to be showed, to be felt, because actions prove us, mere words don’t! We may say 'we care' a thousand times, but it won't make a penny difference if we don’t show that we actually care!

Family means, when we have people who are with us not for their gains or losses, but just because of the bond, the attachment we share, just because of the demands of the hearts. Clashes arise when the mind enters a relation, no matter how close you are, even if you're connected with blood. Lets try to keep our minds out of at least all those few family-blood-relations and bonds of the heart we share and those we really bother to take with us till the end, and try to carry them within and with our hearts, our feelings and not our minds!

 Everybody comes and stands by us a when we're on the top of the rock, but what matters the most is who stays by us when we've nothing to offer but our company, when we've nothing to offer but only our pain, our sufferings. When we can name such people down, we really have a life worth living!

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